LTL Affiliate Resources

Leaves from the Tree of Life L.L.C


Your health is our greatest priority, therefore, we have done our research on the following companies’ products and services. Leaves from the Tree of Life upholds high standards, and integrity, and we seek out the purest organic products for our clients and customers to utilize as well as to recommend.

The following companies are where you may purchase some of the products we recommend to enhance your customized lifestyle package or lifestyle.

When you click on some of the links provided and make purchases, it is possible that we may receive commissions.


Common Sense Herbs

Our Herbal Supplements Are:

  • All-Natural

  • Non-GMO

  • Corn-Free

  • Dairy-Free

  • Sugar-Free

  • Gluten-Free

  • Cruelty-Free

  • Kid Friendly

  • 100% Plant Material

  • No Common Side Effects

  • No Artificial Ingredients

  • FDA Monitored

Why Use Herbs?

Herbs Get Results

Plants have been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded in history and most modern medicines are actually organic compounds that can be found in nature. In fact, people first learned which herbs provided healing by watching which plants animals eat when they are sick. If you don’t think herbs work, then you’ll have to disagree with all of recorded history and every animal!

Herbs Are Safe

Think of raw herbs as a type of food that nourishes your organs to promote healing and overall health. They are as child-friendly as any spice in your pantry and you don’t need to take herbs with food because they already are food. There are no common side effects or standard dosages. You can take as much or as little as you need to match your body’s unique chemistry and feel your best.

Herbs Are Natural

Our herbal supplements are 100% plant material, and we keep it as natural as possible from the ground to the bottle. In fact, each bottle has a unique floral aroma that changes with the seasons during which the herbs were harvested.

Don’t believe us? Just drop one of our tablets in hot water and see it start dissolving instantly making an herbal tea right before your eyes! Can you do that with any other pills you take?


Green Virgin

Toxic chemicals can make you very sick and even kill you.

Giant corporations put toxic chemicals & known carcinogenics in the products you and your loved ones use on a daily basis.

If you would like to live longer, be healthier, and have more energy!

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Health Ranger Store

Are you looking for:

  • Heavy metal detox that captures and eliminates up to 99% toxic heavy metals.

  • China-free, cleanest organic Chlorella, laboratory- tested for heavy metals and purity.

  • Nutritionally complete Hawaiian Spirulina, natural source of plant-based iron and protein.

  • And much more…


EcoFlow provides best power stations for the whole home or for outdoor recreational activities. Learn more and find the one the best suits your needs.


ShareASale is a leading affiliate marketing platform.


When you realize you’re not alone, and that there are people out there like you with the same struggles, it feels pretty good. Not because other people are suffering, but just to know that there are others out there who struggle the same way you do. And that there are companies out there (like ours) actively doing our best to serve you and make your lives better.

It’s our goal to wholeheartedly serve the community of extreme allergy sufferers, people with MCS, allergies, environmental illnesses, environmental sensitivities, and those practicing a lifestyle of health and sustainability.  

As we were developing our product line, we worked meticulously with MCS influencers, environmentalists, and support groups as we diligently tested every possible combination for the safest and most effective applications possible. After all that testing was done, we launched our business as an entity to help improve the air quality of each and every Customer that we serve.

We created a simple line of products to provide every possible solution someone would need, and even launched a blog and a podcast to share helpful information so you can make lifestyle improvements beyond just buying and using our products 

Because taking deep breaths and not worrying about inhaling toxins just feels really, really good.


Quality products from a company you can trust!



